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I am a student persuing B.Tech(Biotechnology) degree from S.R.M University(Chennai,India).

Thursday, October 23, 2008



A bioreactor is a vessel in which is carried out a chemical process which involves organisms or biochemically active substances derived from such organisms.

Bioreactors are commonly cylindrical, ranging in size from some liter to cube meters,and are often made of stainless steel.

Bioreactor design is quite a complex engineering task. Under optimum conditions the microorganisms or cells will reproduce at an astounding rate. The vessel's environmental conditions like gas (i.e., air, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide) flowrates, temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen levels, and agitation speed need to be closely monitored and controlled. One bioreactor manufacturer, Broadley-James Corporation, uses vessels, sensors, controllers, and a control system, digitally networked together for their bioreactor system.

Continuous flow stirred tank reactors (chemostat) In the continuous flow, stirred tank reactor (CSTR or chemostat) fresh medium is fed into the bioreactor at a constant rate, and medium mixed with cells leaves the bioreactor at the same rate. A fixed bioreactor volume is maintained and ideally, the effluent stream should have the same composition as the bioreactor contents. The culture is fed with fresh medium containing one and sometimes two growth-limiting nutrients such as glucose. The concentration of the cells in the bioreactor is controlled by the concentration of the growth-limiting nutrient. A steady state cell concentration is reached where the cell density and substrate concentration are constant. The cell growth rate (µ) is controlled by the dilution rate (D) of growth limiting nutrient.

Cell culture bioreactors are categorized into two types: 1. Those that are used for cultivation of anchorage dependent cells (e.g. primary cultures derived from normal tissues and diploid cell lines. 2. Those that are used for the cultivation of suspended mammalian cells (e.g. cell lines derived from cancerous tissues and tumors, transformed diploid cell lines, hybridomas). In some cases the bioreactor may be modified to grow both anchorage dependent and suspended cells. Ideally any cell culture bioreactor must maintain a sterile culture of cells in medium conditions which maximize cell growth and productivity.

Fouling can harm the overall sterility and efficiency of the bioreactor, especially the heat exchangers. To avoid it the bioreactor must be easily cleanable and must be as smooth as possible (therefore the round shape).

Heat exchange is needed to maintain the bioprocess at a constant temperature. Biological fermentation is a major source of heat, therefore in most cases bioreactors need water refrigeration. They can be refrigerated with an external jacket or, for very large vessels, with internal coils.

Optimal oxygen transfer is perhaps the most difficult task to accomplish. Oxygen is poorly soluble in water -and even less in fermentation broths- and is relatively scarce in air (20.8%). Oxygen transfer is usually helped by agitation, that is also needed to mix nutrients and to keep the fermentation homogeneous. There are however limits to the speed of agitation, due both to high power consumption (that's proportional to the cube of the speed) and the damage to organisms due to excessive tip speed.

Bioreactor treatment may be performed using microorganisms growing in suspension in the fluid or attached on a solid growth support medium. In suspended growth systems, such as fluidized beds or sequencing batch reactors, contaminated groundwater is circulated in an aeration basin where a microbial population aerobically degrades organic matter and produces carbon dioxide, water, and biomass. The biomass is settled out in a clarifier, then either recycled back to the aeration basin or disposed of as sludge. In attached growth systems, such as upflow fixed film bioreactors, rotating biological contactors (RBCs), and trickling filters, microorganisms are grown as a biofilm on a solid growth support matrix and water contaminants are degraded as they diffuse into the biofilm. Support media include solids that have a large surface area for bacterial attachment.

A bioreactor landfill operates to rapidly transform and degrade organic waste. The increase in waste degradation and stabilization is accomplished through the addition of liquid and air to enhance microbial processes. This bioreactor concept differs from the traditional “dry tomb” municipal landfill approach.

A bioreactor landfill is not just a single design and will correspond to the operational process invoked. There are three different general types of bioreactor landfill configurations:

Aerobic - In an aerobic bioreactor landfill, leachate is removed from the bottom layer, piped to liquids storage tanks, and re-circulated into the landfill in a controlled manner. Air is injected into the waste mass, using vertical or horizontal wells, to promote aerobic activity and accelerate waste stabilization. Anaerobic - In an anaerobic bioreactor landfill, moisture is added to the waste mass in the form of re-circulated leachate and other sources to obtain optimal moisture levels. Biodegradation occurs in the absence of oxygen (anaerobically) and produces landfill gas. Landfill gas, primarily methane, can be captured to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and for energy projects. Hybrid (Aerobic-Anaerobic) - The hybrid bioreactor landfill accelerates waste degradation by employing a sequential aerobic-anaerobic treatment to rapidly degrade organics in the upper sections of the landfill and collect gas from lower sections. Operation as a hybrid results in the earlier onset of methanogenesis compared to aerobic landfills The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) has defined a bioreactor landfill as "any permitted Subtitle D landfill or landfill cell where liquid or air is injected in a controlled fashion into the waste mass in order to accelerate or enhance biostabilization of the waste." The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is currently collecting information on the advantages and disadvantages of bioreactor landfills through case studies of existing landfills and additional data so that EPA can identify specific bioreactor standards or recommend operating parameters.

Features Unique to Bioreactor Landfills: The bioreactor accelerates the decomposition and stabilization of waste. At a minimum, leachate is injected into the bioreactor to stimulate the natural biodegradation process. Bioreactors often need other liquids such as stormwater, wastewater, and wastewater treatment plant sludges to supplement leachate to enhance the microbiological process by purposeful control of the moisture content and differs from a landfill that simple recirculates leachate for liquids management. Landfills that simply recirculate leachate may not necessarily operate as optimized bioreactors.


****Application of bioreactor design principles to plant micropropagation
Principles of oxygen consumption, oxygen transport, suspension, and mixing are discussed in the context of propagating aggregates of plant tissue in liquid suspension bioreactors. Although micropropagated plants have a relatively low biological oxygen demand (BOD), the relatively large tissue size and localization of BOD in meristematic regions will typically result in oxygen mass transfer limitations in liquid culture. In contrast to the typical focus of bioreactor design on gas–liquid mass transfer, it is shown that media-solid mass transfer limitations limit oxygen available for aerobic plant tissue respiration. Approaches to improve oxygen availability through gas supplementation and bioreactor pressurization are discussed. The influence of media components on oxygen availability are also quantified for plant culture media. Experimental studies of polystyrene beads in suspension in a 30-l air-lift and stirred bioreactors are used to illustrate design principles for circulation and mixing. Potential limitations to the use of liquid suspension culture due to plant physiological requirements are acknowledged.

******Application of bioreactor system for large-scale production of Eleutherococcus sessiliflorus somatic embryos in an air-lift bioreactor and production of eleutherosides

Embryogenic callus was induced from leaf explants of Eleutherococcus sessiliflorus cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium supplemented with 1 mg l−1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), while no plant growth regulators were needed for embryo maturation. The addition of 1 mg l−1 2,4-D was needed to maintain the embryogenic culture by preventing embryo maturation. Optimal embryo germination and plantlet development was achieved on MS medium with 4 mg l−1 gibberellic acid (GA3). Low-strength MS medium (1/2 and 1/3 strength) was more effective than full-strength MS for the production of normal plantlets with well-developed shoots and roots. The plants were successfully transferred to soil. Embryogenic callus was used to establish a suspension culture for subsequent production of somatic embryos in bioreactor. By inoculating 10 g of embryogenic cells (fresh weight) into a 3 l balloon type bubble bioreactor (BTBB) containing 2 l MS medium without plant growth regulators, 121.8 g mature somatic embryos at different developmental stages were harvested and could be separated by filtration. Cotyledonary somatic embryos were germinated, and these converted into plantlets following transfer to a 3 l BTBB containing 2 l MS medium with 4 mg l−1 GA3. HPLC analysis revealed that the total eleutherosides were significantly higher in leaves of field grown plants as compared to different stages of somatic embryo. However, the content of eleutheroside B was highest in germinated embryos. Germinated embryos also had higher contents of eleutheroside E and eleutheroside E1 as compared to other developmental stages. This result indicates that an efficient protocol for the mass production of E. sessiliflorus biomass can be achieved by bioreactor culture of somatic embryos and can be used as a source of medicinal raw materials.

*****Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactors: Applications and Research Directions.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Moblile ads

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round(1000 * array_sum(explode(' ', microtime()))));
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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

***Possible New Approach To Purifying Drinking Water using biotechnology

A genetic tool used by medical researchers may also be used in a novel approach to remove harmful microbes and viruses from drinking water. In a series of proof-of-concept experiments, engineers demonstrated that short strands The relatively new technology, known as RNA interference (RNAi), makes use of short snippets of genetic material that match -- like a lock and key -- a corresponding segment of a gene in the target. When these snippets enter a cell and attach to the corresponding segment, they can inhibit or block the action of the target gene. This approach is increasingly being used as a tool in biomedical research, but has not previously been applied to environmental issues. Methods currently used to treat water -- chlorine and ultraviolet (UV) light -- can be expensive to operate and the results of the treatment itself can affect the taste and smell of the water. Although these methods have been employed for years, problems can emerge once the treated water enters the distribution system, where pathogens are also present. For this reason, water is often over-chlorinated at the plant so that it remains in high enough concentrations in the pipes to neutralize pathogens. This explains why people living the closer to a treatment plant will be more likely to taste or smell the chemical than those farthest away from the plant, the researchers said. Additionally, chlorine can react with other organic matter in the system, leading to potentially harmful by-products. The researchers are currently conducting additional experiments targeting other regions of the fungus' genome. For their proof-of-concept experiments, they tested RNAi on a non-essential, yet easy to monitor, gene. They are now testing this approach to silence or block genes essential to the viability of the pathogen. *The experiments were funded by Duke's Pratt School of Engineering.of genetic material could successfully target a matching portion of a gene in a common fungus found in water and make it stop working.

**** Fruit Fly Protein Acts As Decoy To Capture Tumor Growth Factors

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine have shown how Argos, a fruit fly protein, acts as a "decoy" receptor, binding growth factors that promote the progression of cancer. Knowing how Argos neutralizes tumor growth may lead to new drug designs for inhibiting cancer. Many types of tumors grow because of over-expression of a protein known as the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) or a peptide hormone called epidermal growth factor (EGF) that binds and activates EGFR. Argos mimics EGFR by binding to EGF. But, unlike EGFR, Argos does not signal cells to grow. Approaches using molecules that neutralize growth factors have proven themselves in other cases. The Avastin antibody works well to block the molecule that activates the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor and several drugs can block tumor necrosis factor-α in arthritis, including Remicade, Humira and Enbrel. An Argos-like drug would work the same way in EGFR signaling, suggests Lemmon. In the current study, Lemmon and colleagues have worked out the details of the three-dimensional structure of Argos when it binds to Spitz. "We were surprised to find that Argos has three very similar domains that capture Spitz by surrounding it like a C-clamp," explains Lemmon. Although Argos binding to Spitz mimics the characteristic binding of EGFR to EGF, Argos and EGFR do not share the same amino acid sequence or structural similarities. The structure of Argos was studied by X-ray crystallography, a technique that shows where each atom of the protein is located. Computer analysis is then used to put together all the data into a three-dimensional projection of the growth factor and its binding molecule. Daryl E. Klein, Steven E. Stayrook, Fumin Shi, and Kartik Narayan, all of Penn, are co-authors on the study. This work was supported by grants from the National Cancer Institute and the U. S. Army Breast Cancer Research Program.

***Researchers Devise New Way Of Mapping The Viscosity Of Cells

A fluorescent dye can be used to map how viscous, or 'gloopy', different parts of a cell are, according to new research published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. Changes in viscosity have been linked to disease and malfunction in human cells. For example, changes in the viscosity of the membranes of red blood cells have been observed in diabetes patients. Knowing more about these changes could lead to a greater understanding of how some diseases affect the human body.

***New Mouse Model Mimics Hyperglycemia, Aids In Diabetes Research

Researchers have genetically engineered a laboratory mouse in which pancreatic beta cells can regenerate after being induced to die. The new animal model's regenerative ability may provide future insights into improved treatments of diabetes, which affects millions of Americans.The model, named the PANIC-ATTAC mouse, mimics what occurs in humans with type 1 diabetes, a condition that develops when the body's immune system destroys pancreatic beta cells, as well as in type 2 diabetes, where beta cells die from working overtimeDr. Scherer said this model lends itself to studying conditions of temporary hyperglycemia such as gestational diabetes, a condition in which pregnant women who have never had diabetes develop hyperglycemia. Gestational diabetes usually disappears after pregnancy, but it is not clear whether these transient bouts of elevated glucose can cause permanent damage in the vasculature that persists even after normal glucose levels have been restored. Dr. Zhao Wang, a postdoctoral researcher at UT Southwestern and lead author of the study, said the strength of the PANIC-ATTAC mouse as a research tool lies partly in the ability to test how specific pharmaceuticals impact beta-cell regeneration. "We can test which drugs can more rapidly repair the damage," Dr. Wang said. "We can also test which drugs are protective. That's probably more important physiologically because it allows us to screen for interventions that could protect beta cells during the early stages of diabetes to slow down and prevent the onset of hyperglycemia."

***Biotechnology seen as a key to solving food crisis

Biotechnology can help solve the world's food crisis with benefits such as flood-resistant rice in Bangladesh or higher cotton yields in Burkina Faso, a senior U.S. official said at a U.N. food summit on Tuesday. Some green groups say genetically-engineered crops threaten biodiversity while many European consumers are wary of eating products dubbed by critics as "Frankenfoods." Schafer said biotechnology, including genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), could help produce more food by raising yields and producing crops in developing nations that are resistant to disease and pests. "Genetic engineering offers long-term solutions to some of our major crop production problems," said Philippine Agriculture Minister Arthur Yap. But he said that it was not a panacea for all of his country's agricultural problems. Progress being made in the Philippines included research into rice and coconuts resistant to disease, he said. "We're also working on virus-resistant papaya, papaya hybrids with a longer shelf life that should be ready for market in 2009," he said.

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Saturday, May 31, 2008


(i) Biotechnology Incubator Park near Chennai
(ii) Women’s Biotechnology Park, Kelambakkam
(iii) Medicinal Plants Biotechnology Park
(iv) Marine Biotechnology Park
(v) Bioinformatics and Genomics Centre..

Karnataka Cabinet on Sunday approved a proposal for setting up a biotech park on a 106-acre plot at the Electronic City at an approximate cost of Rs 103 crore, in a move to give a fillip to the sector on 4th june (sunday),2006
Project deals on two parts---1) part A 2)part B
Part A deals with construction of infrastructure and part B deals with construction of biotech incubation centre.

A 100-acre biotech park, named Helix, in bangalore (karnataka) was set up in 2005.

The Joint Venture has been mandated by Gujarat Government through a global tender to develop a state of art Bio Technology Park at Savli, Vadodara about 14 kms. From Vadodara Airport and 8 kms. Away from National Highway.
The Bio Technology Park envisages creation of state of art, infrastructure suitable for the Bio Technology Industry covering a wide range of activities as listed in Annexure “A”. Apart from state of art infrastructure as listed in Annexure “B”, we are also building a state of art incubation centre measuring over 86,000 sq. ft. The incubation centre will have all the facilities that will enable technocrats, startup companies and other entrepreneurs to avail these facilities in order to standardize and scale-up processes and thereafter, set up their own enterprise in the park. The incubation center will be ready in the year 2008.
Apart from the incubation centre, the layout of the park will include developed plots of various sizes ranging from 8,000 sq. mtr. To 2,00,000 sq. mtr.


**Shapoorji Pallonji Biotech Park
Though Karnataka was the first to announce a Biotech plan for the state, it was Andhra Pradesh, which seized the opportunity. The Andhra Pradesh government was able to put its act together to identify and develop the facilities for biotech entrepreneurs. It entered into a public–private partnership with Shapoorji Pallonji & Co Ltd with 11 percent equity stake and incorporated Shapoorji Pallonji (SP) Biotech Park Pvt Ltd (SP Biotech Park) for developing and managing the Park at Shamirpet, near Hyderabad.
The Park has entered into the second phase of development. The first phase of the park comprised 140 acres of space. About 17 companies have already taken the position and have set up their units at the Park making an investment of about Rs 400 crore. "We are now developing the layout of Phase II of the Park which is 162 acres and the bookings are expected to be over by the end of this year," said S Dhawan, chief executive, Shapoorji Pallonji Biotech Park Pvt Ltd. Considering the demand, Shapoorji Pallonji & Co. has approached the state government for more space for expansion of the park. It is expected to get an additional 100 acres of land for expansion of the biotech park in the third phase. "Another 101 acres is being allotted to start the third phase of the Shapoorji Pallonji Biotech Park and 100 acres for the Rs 125 crore National Animal Resource facility," informed Dr A Ashok, director of biotechnology, Government of Andhra Pradesh.

**ICICI Knowledge Park
The Government of Andhra Pradesh has one more park - ICICI Knowledge Park - to its credit in the knowledge intensive field. Launched by ICICI Bank Ltd in partnership with the state government, the park is focused on facilitating business-driven research and development. The park is spread over 200 acres of campus at Turkapally near Hyderabad

**International Biotech Park
Similarly the Maharashtra government too adopted a public-private partnership model for developing the biotech park in the state. International Biotech Park (IBP) is a joint venture project between the Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) and TCG Urban Infrastructure Holding Ltd (TCGUIH), a Chatterjee Group company. With a total investment of Rs 250 crore in the project, MIDC will hold approximately 12 percent of the paid-up capital while TCGUIH will hold the remaining 88 percent. TCGUIH develops, promotes and markets the 110- acre park at Hinjewadi, near Pune

**Lucknow Biotech Park
Though Uttar Pradesh started a little late, it is aggressively developing its biotech park in Lucknow in association with Department of Biotechnology on an eight-acre land

**Ticel Bio Park
Opened in November last year, Ticel Bio Park offers developed space for entrepreneurs to set up research units, and common facilities for testing and analysis. Located near the TIDEL Park at Taramani near Chennai, this park was promoted by the Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation (Tidco) on a five-acre land, provided by the state government

These biotechnology parks areacting as bioclusters - where companies, universities and R&D institutes are all located in one place. The state governments too are supporting the industry players who are looking atsetting up their units at the parks by offering incubation facilities, taxholidays and incentive package;venture funding initiatives etc.The technical alliance the parks'promoters have entered into, is also attracting entrepreneurs.



Tuesday, May 27, 2008

some of the application of biotechnology
Applications Biotechnology has applications in four major industrial areas, including health care (medical), crop production and agriculture, non food (industrial) uses of crops and other products (e.g. biodegradable plastics, vegetable oil, biofuels), and environmental uses. For example, one application of biotechnology is the directed use of organisms for the manufacture of organic products (examples include beer and milk products). Another example is using naturally present bacteria by the mining industry in bioleaching. Biotechnology is also used to recycle, treat waste, clean up sites contaminated by industrial activities (bioremediation), and also to produce biological weapons. A series of derived terms have been coined to identify several branches of biotechnology, for example: Red biotechnology is applied to medical processes. Some examples are the designing of organisms to produce antibiotics, and the engineering of genetic cures through genomic manipulation. [Photo] [Photo] A rose plant that began as cells grown in a tissue culture Green biotechnology is biotechnology applied to agricultural processes. An example would be the selection and domestication of plants via micropropagation. Another example is the designing of transgenic plants to grow under specific environmental conditions or in the presence (or absence) of certain agricultural chemicals. One hope is that green biotechnology might produce more environmentally friendly solutions than traditional industrial agriculture. An example of this is the engineering of a plant to express a pesticide, thereby eliminating the need for external application of pesticides. An example of this would be Bt corn. Whether or not green biotechnology products such as this are ultimately more environmentally friendly is a topic of considerable debate. White biotechnology, also known as industrial biotechnology, is biotechnology applied to industrial processes. An example is the designing of an organism to produce a useful chemical. Another example is the using of enzymes as industrial catalysts to either produce valuable chemicals or destroy hazardous/polluting chemicals. White biotechnology tends to consume less in resources than traditional processes used to produce industrial goods. Blue biotechnology is a term that has been used to describe the marine and aquatic applications of biotechnology, but its use is relatively rare. The investments and economic output of all of these types of applied biotechnologies form what has been described as the bioeconomy. Medicine In medicine, modern biotechnology finds promising applications in such areas as pharmacogenomics;drug production.....


Following are the Biotechnology colleges and institutes in Andhra Pradesh List displays all Biotechnology colleges in Andhra Pradesh with the degree offered by them. Eligibility criteria and course duration is also mentioned.
Degree / Course
College / Institute
Course Duration
BSc. Biochemistry
Osmania University, Administrative Building, Hyderabad
Andhra Pradesh
Class XII
3 years
BSc. Biochemistry
Kakatiya University, Vidyavanyapuri, Warangal- 506009
Andhra Pradesh
Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Biology
3 years
BTech. Biotechnology
Osmania University, Administrative Building, Hyderabad
Andhra Pradesh
Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Biology
4 years
MSc. Biotechnology
Central University, Hyderabad
Andhra Pradesh
2 years
Mtech. Biotechnology
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Masab Tank, Mahaveer Marg, Hyderabad
Andhra Pradesh

Biotechnology Colleges of Assam
Following are the Biotechnology colleges and institutes in Assam List displays all Biotechnology colleges in Assam with the degree offered by them. Eligibility criteria and
course duration is also mentioned.
Degree / Course
College / Institute
Course Duration
MSc. Biotechnology
Guwahati University, Guwahati -781014
2 years
MSc. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Tezpur University, Napaam, Tezpur - 784025
BSc. (minimum 55%)
2 years
2 years.

Following are the Biotechnology colleges and institutes in Tamil Nadu List displays all Biotechnology colleges in Tamil Nadu with the degree offered by them. Eligibility criteria and course duration is also mentioned.
Degree / Course
College / Institute
Course Duration
BSc. Biochemistry
University of Madras, Centenary building, Chepauk, Triplicane, PO Chennai - 600005
Tamil Nadu
Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and
3 years
BSc. Biochemistry
Periyar University, Government College of Engineering Campus, Salem - 636011
Tamil Nadu
Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Biology
3 years
BTech. Industrial Biotechnology
Anna University, Centre for Biotechnology, Guindy, Chennai
Tamil Nadu
Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Biology
2 years
MSc. Agricultural Biotechnology
Tamil Nadu GD Naidu Agricultural University, Coimbatore
Tamil Nadu
BSc. Or MSC./MTech.
2 years
MSc. Bioinformatics
Bharthiyar University, Muruthamalai Road, Coimbatore
Tamil Nadu
2 years
MSc. Bioinformatics
Bharatisadan University, Palkalaiperur, Tiruchchirappalli - 620024
Tamil Nadu
2 years
MSc. Bioinformatics
Periyar University, Government College of Engineering Campus, Salem - 636011
Tamil Nadu
2 years
MSc. Bioinformatics
Tamil Nadu GD Naidu Agricultural University, Coimbatore
Tamil Nadu
2 years
MSc. Biotechnology
University of Madras, Centenary Buildings, Chepauk,Triplicane, Chennai - 600005
Tamil Nadu
Bsc. Life Science/Mathematics/Physics/Chemistyr/Agriculture/BE/MBBS/B.Pharma/BDS
2 years
MSc. Biotechnology
Madurai Kamaraj University, Palkai Nagar, Madurai
Tamil Nadu
BSc. Chemisty/Botany/Biology/
Agriculture/Vet. Science/Zoology/ Engg./MBBS
2 years
MTech. Industrial Biotechnology
Anna University, Centre for Biotechnology, Guindy, Chennai
Tamil Nadu
2 years
PG Diploma in Bioinformatics
Madurai Kamaraj University, Palkai Nagar, Madurai
Tamil Nadu
Bachelor's or Master's degree in any branch of Science or Engineering with 55% minimum marks
2 years
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai
Tamil Nadu
Diploma In Film Editing
Film & Television Institute Of Tamil Nadu, Chennai, (Tamil Nadu)
Tamil Nadu
Passed Senior Secondry
Passed Senior Secondry

Biotechnology Colleges of Delhi
Following are the Biotechnology colleges and institutes in Delhi List displays all Biotechnology colleges in Delhi with the degree offered by them. Eligibility criteria and course duration is also mentioned.
Degree / Course
College / Institute
Course Duration
BSc. Biochemistry
University of Delhi, Delhi - 11007
Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Biology
3 years
BSc. Biochemistry
Shivaji College, University of Delhi, Delhi
Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Biology
3 years
BSc. Biochemistry
Deshbandu College, University of Delhi, Delhi
Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Biology
3 years
BSc. Biochemistry
Venkateshwara College, University of Delhi, Delhi
Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Biology
3 years
BSc. Biochemistry
Daulat Ram College, University of Delhi, Delhi
Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Biology
3 years
BSc. Biochemistry
Amity Institute of Biotechnology, RBEF, E-27, Defence colony, New Delhi - 110024
Class XII (50%) or equivalent with Biology as a subject
3 years
BSc. Biochemistry
Gargi College, University of Delhi
Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Biology
3 years
BSc. Biochemistry
Institute of Home Economics, University of Delhi
Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Biology
3 years
BSc. Biochemistry
Ram Lal Anand College, University of Delhi
Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Biology
3 years
BSc. Biochemistry
Swami shradhanand College, University of Delhi
Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Biology
3 years
BTech. Biotechnology
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Biology
4 years
MSc. Bioinformatics
Amity Institute of Biotechnology, RBEF, E-27, Defence Colony, New Delhi - 110024
1 year 6 months
MSc. Biochemistry
University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
2 years
MSc. Microbiology
University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
2 years
MSc. Genetics
University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
2 years
MSc. Biophysics
University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
2 years
MSc. Plant Molecular Biology
University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
2 years
MSc. Biotechnology
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi
BSc. in Physics/Biology/Agriculture/Pharmacy/Veterianary Science/BE
2 years
MSc. Agricultural Biotechnology
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi
BSc. in Physics/Biology/Agriculture/Pharmacy/Veterianary Science/BE
2 years
MVSc. Animal Biotechnology
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi
BSc. in Physics/Biology/Agriculture/Pharmacy/Veterianary Science/BE
2 years
MTech. BioTechnology
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi
BSc. in Physics/Biology/Agriculture/Pharmacy/Veterianary Science/BE
2 years
MSc. Biotech Industrial Training
Jamia Hamdard University, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi
BSc./BTech., MSc./Mtech. in Biotechnology
1 year 6 months
MSc. Biotech Industrial Training
Biotech Consortium India Ltd. G-6, NDSE Part-I,New Delhi
BSc./BTech., MSc./Mtech. in Biotechnology
1 year 6 months
Mtech. Biotechnology
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
2 years.
Mtech. (Integrated) Biotechnology
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi
Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics
5 years
Mtech. (Integrated) Biotechnology
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi
Class XII with Science
5 years 6 months
PG Diploma in Bioinformatics
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi
1 year
Ph.D. Biotechnology
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi
Bachelor's in Beterinary and Fisheries Sciences
2 years
Post-Doctoral Research
Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi
Research (Ph.D.)
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

Rank 2006 Company Country Revenue in 2006 (USD millions) R&D in 2006 (USD millions) Net income/ (loss) in 2006 (USD millions) Employees in 20061 Amgen USA 14,268.0 3,366.0 2,950.0 20,1002 Genentech USA 9,284.0 1,773.0 2,113.0 10,5333 Genzyme USA 3,187.0 650.0 -16.8 9,000+4 UCB Belgium 3,169.6 772.6 461.1 8,4775 Gilead Sciences USA 3,026.1 383.9 -1,190.0 7,5756 Serono Switzerland 2,804.9 560.5 735.4 4,7757 Biogen Idec USA 2,683.0 718.4 217.5 3,7508 CSL Australia 2,148.3 119.1 86.8 2,8959 Cephalon USA 1,764.1 403.4 144.8 2,51510 MedImmune USA 1,276.8 448.9 48.7 2,35911 Celgene USA 898.9 258.6 69.0 1,86412 Abraxis BioScience USA 765.5 96.9 -46.9 1,73413 Actelion Switzerland 754.6 169.0 192.4 1,55014 ImClone Systems USA 677.8 112.1 370.7 1,28715 Elan Ireland 560.4 215.9 -267.3 1,25216 Amylin Pharmaceuticals USA 510.9 222.1 -218.9 1,10017 Millennium Pharmaceuticals USA 486.8 318.2 -44.0 1,07318 PDL BioPharma USA 414.8 260.7 -130.0 99319 OSI Pharmaceuticals USA 375.7 176.7 -582.2 96220 MGI Pharma USA 342.8 100.1 -40.2 94721 Pharmion USA 238.6 70.1 -91.0 79322 Nektar Therapeutics USA 217.7 149.4 -154.8 77023 Vertex Pharmaceuticals USA 216.4 371.7 -206.9 76024 Biocon Limited India 200.3 30.5 43.5 183825 Cubist Pharmaceuticals USA 194.7 57.4 -0.4 74626 Enzon Pharmaceuticals USA 185.7 43.5 21.3 72227 QLT Canada 175.1 56.4 -101.6 65328 ViroPharma USA 167.2 19.2 66.7 65129 Alkermes USA 166.6 89.1 3.8 61730 Crucell Netherlands 165.3 84.9 -110.0 61131 United Therapeutics USA 159.6 57.6 74.0 58532 LifeCell USA 141.7 16.5 20.5 57333 Ligand Pharmaceuticals USA 141.0 41.9 -31.7 54034 Myriad Genetics USA 114.3 83.8 -38.2 51135 Exelixis USA 98.7 185.5 -101.5 50036 Cangene Canada 96.8 22.1 11.6 49837 InterMune USA 90.8 103.8 -107.2 49238 Nabi Biopharmaceuticals USA 89.9 37.6 -58.7 48739 BioMarin Pharmaceutical USA 84.2 66.7 -28.5 41740 Lexicon Pharmaceuticals USA 72.8 106.7 -54.3 41041 Progenics Pharmaceuticals USA 69.9 61.7 -21.6 41042 Innogenetics Belgium 67.5 32.1 -31.5 37143 Idenix Pharmaceuticals USA 67.4 96.1 -75.1 35944 MorphoSys Germany 66.6 21.9 7.6 33645 Omrix Biopharmaceuticals USA 63.8 3.4 23.1 33546 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals USA 63.4 137.1 -102.3 32347 Acambis UK 57.0 68.2 -30.4 28548 Tanox USA 56.1 53.4 -2.6 28549 ViaCell USA 54.4 14.0 -21.0 28250 Indevus Pharmaceuticals USA 50.5 43.2 -50.6 27951 Medarex USA 48.6 194.5 -181.7 27752 NPS Pharmaceuticals USA 48.5 68.4 -112.7 27653 Monogram Biosciences USA 48.0 19.0 -38.7 27454 Oscient Pharmaceuticals USA 46.2 12.4 -78.5 26755 Array BioPharma USA 45.0 33.4 -39.6 26356 AEterna Zentaris Canada 41.4 28.7 33.4 26057 IsoTis Switzerland 40.7 7.7 -18.5 25558 Enzo Biochem USA 39.8 7.9 -15.7 25559 CuraGen USA 39.6 58.5 -59.8 25460 Neurocrine Biosciences USA 39.2 97.7 -107.2 25461 MediGene Germany 38.4 26.7 -8.7 24862 Life Therapeutics Australia 37.6 0.1 -31.2 24563 Inspire Pharmaceuticals USA 37.1 42.5 -42.1 23864 CV Therapeutics USA 36.8 135.3 -274.3 23365 Cerus USA 35.6 29.5 -4.8 20866 SciClone Pharmaceuticals USA 32.7 14.1 0.7 19767 ImmunoGen USA 32.1 40.9 -17.8 19768 Protherics UK 30.9 11.8 -16.5 19669 Arena Pharmaceuticals USA 30.6 103.4 -88.3 19570 Vernalis UK 30.1 71.7 -78.2 19271 Bavarian Nordic Denmark 29.5 19.9 -27.1 19172 Xoma USA 29.5 52.1 -51.8 18973 GPC Biotech Germany 28.5 81.3 -80.4 18074 Micromet USA 27.6 28.3 0.0 17175 Targacept USA 27.5 21.8 -1.2 17076 Carrington Laboratories USA 27.4 5.8 -7.6 16677 Acorda Therapeutics USA 27.4 12.1 -60.0 15878 Anika Therapeutics USA 26.8 3.6 4.6 15679 Human Genome Sciences USA 25.8 209.2 -251.2 15180 Dusa Pharmaceuticals USA 25.6 6.2 -31.3 15081 ZymoGenetics USA 25.4 128.5 -130.0 15082 Maxygen USA 25.0 49.1 -16.5 14783 Isis Pharmaceuticals USA 24.5 80.6 -45.9 13384 Genmab Denmark 23.9 90.6 -77.4 12885 Bioniche Life Sciences Canada 23.9 11.6 -1.0 12686 Vitrolife Sweden 23.2 3.3 2.1 12487 Coley Pharmaceutical Group USA 20.2 40.9 -29.4 12288 Palatin Technologies USA 19.7 41.0 -29.0 11689 Encysive Pharmaceuticals USA 19.0 64.4 -109.3 10990 GenVec USA 18.9 29.6 -19.3 9591 Medivir Group Sweden 18.8 39.7 -29.7 8892 Peptech Australia 18.7 4.6 3.8 8593 Ambrilia Biopharma Canada 17.4 8.3 -2.1 8594 Cytogen USA 17.3 7.3 -15.1 8595 Replidyne USA 16.0 38.3 -34.6 7996 Sinovac Biotech China 15.4 0.3 -0.7 6797 Trimeris USA 15.2 18.3
History of biotechnology
18,000 BC
Middle East people domesticate and breed deer, antelope, and sheep
5000 BC
Chinese domesticate and breed pigs
4000 BC
Egyptians master art of wine-making
3000 BC
South America peoples select and breed potatoes as staple crop
2000 BC
Egyptians and Sumerians learn brewing and cheese-making
300 BC
Greeks develop grafting techniques for clonal plant increase
The first whiskey distillery established in Ireland
Fermentation utilized, leading to the development of sauerkraut and yogurt
Animals used for food and to do work. Plants domesticated, selectively bred for desired characteristicsMicroorganisms used to make cheese, beverages, and bread by fermentation
Living microorganisms used to vaccinate people against diseases
In Paris, an international "Corn Show" features varieties from Syria, Portugal, Hungary, and Algeria
Hypothesis that animal and plant populations adapt over time to best fit the environment - Charles Darwin's book "Origin of the Species" published
Louis Pasteur proved existence of microorganisms. Showed that all living things are produced by other living things
Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics, presented his laws of heredity
Johann Meischer isolated DNA from the nuclei of white blood cells
Steam engine to drive combine harvesters
Ammonia synthesis
Self-propelled tractor
Koch, Pasteur - Fermentation process patented Lister Institutes - Diphtheria antitoxin isolated
Walter Sutton coined the term "gene"; proposed that chromosomes carry genes (factors which Mendel said could be passed from generation to generation)
Artificial silks developed
Thomas H. Morgan proved that genes are carried on chromosomes; "biotechnology" term coined
Germans use acetone produced by plants to make bombs; yeast grown in large quantities for animals and glycerol; made activated sludge for sewage treatment process
Boom of rayon industry
Herman Mueller increased mutation rate in fruit flies by exposing them to x-rays
Frederick Griffiths noticed that a rough kind of bacterium changed to a smooth type when unknown "transforming principle" from smooth type was present
Alexander Fleming discovered antibiotic properties of certain molds
Plant hybridization
Proteins and DNA studied by x-ray crystallography Term 'molecular biology" coined
Oswald Avery isolates pure DNA
Linus Pauling described sickle cell anemia, calling it a molecular disease; cortisone made in large amounts; DNA identified as the genetic material
Oswald Avery performed transformation experiment with Griffith's bacterium
Max Delbruck organized course to study a type of bacterial virus that consists of a protein coat containing DNA
Penicillin produced; transition from animal power to mechanical power on farms
Erwin Chargaff determined that there is always a ratio of 1:1 adenine to thymine in DNA of many different organisms; artificial insemination of livestock
James Watson and Francis Crick determined the double helix structure of DNA
Dangr sequenced insulin (protein) from pork
Coenberg discovered DNA polymerase
Isolation of m-RNA
Classification of the plasmids
Marshall Nirenberg determined that a sequence of three nucleotide; Severo Ochoa found out that bases determine each of 20 amino acids
Norman Borlaug becomes first plant breeder to win Nobel Prize for his work on Green Revolution wheat varieties
Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer discover recombinant DNA technology, considered to be the birth of modern biotechnology
Genetic engineering techniques used to produce human insulin in E. coli; first biotech company on NY stock exchange; first successful transplantation of mammalian gene; discoverers of restriction enzymes receive Nobel Prize in medicine
Genentech, Inc. produce human growth hormone and two kinds of interferon DNA from malignant cells transformed a strain of cultured mouse cells - new tool for analyzing cancer genes
U.S. Supreme Court decided that man-made microbes could be patented
Chinese scientists become first to clone a fish - a golden carp
Canada's first biotechnology company, Allelix, formed
The first genetically engineered product, human insulin, approved for sale in USA
Genetech, Inc. licensed Eli Lily to make insulin; first transfer of foreign gene in plants
Plants can be patented
First field trials of DNA recombinant plants resistant to insects, viruses, bacteria
First living mammal patented
Exxon Valdez oil spill off the coast of Alaska cleaned up with the help of bacteria
The first food products modified by biotechnology, an enzyme for cheese production and a yeast for baking, approved in USA and UK, respectively
FDA decides GM foods will be regulated as conventional foods
The first animal hormone produced with biotechnology, Bovine somatotropin, approved for use in USA
FlavrSavr Tomato becomes the first GM food approved for sale
Three human biopharmaceutical products receive approval for AIDS and cancer; herbicide resistant canola, corn
Commercial production of biotechnology crops begins - corn, potato, and canola
Birth of Dolly the sheep announced as the first successful mammal cloned from an adult cell
Cotton, soybeans, sugar beet as well as insect or virus-resistant corn, cotton, papaya, potato, squash, tomato approved in the USA
" Golden rice," which may help prevent millions of cases of blindness and death caused by Vitamin A and iron deficiencies, undergoes continued testing.
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